Thursday, July 07, 2005


im sick and working. pathetic talaga. still here at the office, taking a break from all that scheduling and contract signing ekek. my eyes are puffy already!

change is the only constant thing in this world.

that's what isabel put on her module regarding her philosophy in life. it wouldnt be the first time that i've encountered that philo. i believe thats true. nothing is constant but change. coz things change and so do people. i was watching oprah last night and she said something like she's the same person as she was before, she just had more stuff and awesome shoes. yeah, right. i know i'm not.

i've changed a lot. some think for the better, some think for the worse. but i've changed and i dont mind. i encourage change. i accept it. thats why if i see an old friend who used to be so prim and proper and now walks and talks like she's always gonna pick a fight with someone, heck, i would be taken aback but i wouldnt be surprised.

because to say that you haven't changed, would mean to me no growth at all. no growth as a person. of course, people change. we adjust to our surroundings, to our environment. that's what's unique about us humans. we are capable of adjusting and understanding and accepting change.

so next time you meet with an old friend who've changed drastically, cut them some slack, will ya? i'm sure she'll be thinking of you the same way so might as well give them the benefit of the doubt. coz sometimes, looks can be very deceiving.

*** okay, i may seem to be talking about nothing in particular here. but i know someone will react. that person may not post a comment or email me or text me, but that person will react somehow. someone is watching. Someone.


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