Thursday, June 15, 2006


Faceless. That's what he is.

I've lost him again. Once more, he eluded my grasps. Damn. I was so close. So close I can smell his perfume and the gel on his hair. So close our skin touch. And I tremble everytime that happens. I can hear him breathing. I can hear his heart beat. For me? Apparently not.

He's gone. The face of the man I have been searching for is gone. Evidently, he is not the face that should fit into the mold I've created for "the man of my dreams". Seemingly, he IS still a dream. Waiting to sweep me off my feet. Waiting to immortalize a fleet of my holed up emotions.

Yes, immortalize.

A faceless man to immortalize my emotions.

I think I'm going nuts.


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